
Nepheline Syenite A200

Nepheline Syenite has been a used in the ceramic industry for many years, and is known for the whiteness it imparts to clay bodies and increasing low to mid cone glaze firing ranges.
Article number: Nepheline Syenite 500g
Availability: In stock (481)

Nepheline Syenite has been a used in the ceramic industry for many years, and is known for the whiteness it imparts to clay bodies. Syenite melts lower than feldspars making producing a very white vitreous medium temperature porcelain possible. Its high alumina content strengthens glass, and the high soda makes it a great flux. When added to glazes it increases the firing range of low-fire and mid-range glazes, however it can increase crazing in glazes due to its high thermal expansion.

See our Safety Data Sheets section under Customer Service for a downloadable copy of the SDS for this product.


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