
Hydrocal Plaster (White Gypsum Cement) Bag (22.68kg / 50lb)

Hydrocal® White Gypsum Cement (Plaster) offers twice the compressive strength of other plasters. Stiffening rate very rapid after setting action begins.
Article number: Hydrocal Plaster bag
Availability: In stock (1)

Hydrocal® White Gypsum Cement (Plaster) offers twice the compressive strength of other plasters. Stiffening rate very rapid after setting action begins. Recommended for slurry casting technique. Well suited to thin sections requiring high green strength. Mix Ratio: 40-45 lbs. water/100 lbs. Hyrdocal White. Set time: 20-30 min.

See our Safety Data Sheets section under Customer Service for a downloadable copy of the SDS for this product.

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