
Hydro-Stone Plaster (Gypsum Cement) Bag (22.68kg / 50lb)

Hydro-Stone® Gypsum Cement is especially suitable where high strength and resistance to water absorption are necessary. It is ideal for applications in both the tooling & prototyping and art & statuary categories.
Article number: Hydrostone Bag 50lbs
Availability: In stock (3)

Hydro-Stone® Gypsum Cement is especially suitable where high strength and resistance to water absorption are necessary. It is ideal for applications in both the tooling & prototyping and art & statuary categories.
-Offering excellent paintability, Hydro-Stone® Gypsum Cement:
-Can duplicate extremely fine details
-Works well with plaster and most flexible moulding compounds
-Is self-leveling, with low viscosity
-Provides fast set time for quick mold turns
Mix Ratio: 32 lbs water to 100 lbs Hydrostone. Set time: 19-25 minutes.

See our Safety Data Sheets section under Customer Service for a downloadable copy of the SDS for this product.

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