
Bailey Studio Deluxe and PRO Shuttle Gas Kiln - Call For Price

Bailey Gas Kilns are the by-product of logic and innovative thinking. BAILEY GAS KILNS... "OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE!"
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Bailey Gas Kilns are the by-product of logic and innovative thinking. BAILEY GAS KILNS... "OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE!"

Bailey Studio Deluxe and PRO gas kilns are very similar in their innovative construction features.  It's just a matter of scale.

Bailey Track Shuttles

First and foremost, Bailey Shuttle kilns make stacking a kiln much safer for your spine. Accessing the cart with correct posture makes placing shelves and pottery infinitely easier and healthier. Other benefits include the fact that the shuttle can be cycled more times during the week since several individuals can unstack and reload the kiln simultaneously. Another distinct benefit of a shuttle is the ability to leave kiln furniture in a permanent position and only exchange the finished wares with a new load. This feature is extremely cost effective since it saves countless hours yearly in the stacking and unstacking of the furniture.

Bailey Deluxe and Production shuttle kilns utilize the same Double Skin Ventilated Frame construction with a stainless steel chimney and vary only in their respective insulation profiles.
The Deluxe models have 4 ½” of insulating firebrick in the walls, floor and arch. This insulating profile that is perfectly suited for the small to medium range of kiln because it offers an economical firing on the way up, and a cooling cycle that allows a reasonable turn around time.

Production models have 6” of insulating firebrick in the walls and 6 ¾” in the arch. This insulating profile is ideal for medium to large kilns. The increase is insulation thickness is more in ratio to the thermal mass that is being fired. This is a more practical kiln for firing sculpture where the operator intends to fire longer schedules than the typical stoneware firings.

Bailey Studio Deluxe Shuttle kilns range in sizes from 12 to 31 cubic feet of stacking space.

Bailey Production Shuttle kilns range from 28 to 120 cubic feet of stacking space.

Retractable Scissors Track
This optional feature was innovated by Bailey. When the shuttle is pushed into the kiln and the door is latched, the tracks can actually fold up (in one or two hinged sections) and lean against the front of the kiln. With tracks out of the way, there is no risk of personnel tripping over the rails, clean up is easier, and there is access for mobile racks or carts.

Spring Loaded Cart Seals
Bailey has developed a superior positive pressure cart seal design. When the shuttle is pushed into the kiln, a unique stainless steel spring-loaded channel (filled with refractory) makes a perfect airtight fit between the cart and interior framework that will last indefinitely.

Bailey Trackless Shuttles

1 or 2- Car Trackless Shuttles
Bailey 2-Car Trackless Shuttles are an excellent space saving solution for the production pottery or sculpture department. 2 car shuttles are a practical way to maximize the output of your kiln through faster cycle times. A finished load can be pulled from the kiln while another is instantly loaded. There is no lost time in unstacking and restacking the shelves and wares.

The mobile carts are free to move away from the kiln where they can be conveniently loaded. Eliminating the track frees up valuable floor space. The Bailey “docking system” insures that your cart is automatically aligned into the main kiln without damage to the refractory. This system does require a uniform cement floor. Carts move around with ease.

The Bailey system also features a mobile door mounted on an independent rolling base. The mobile door can be conveniently moved out of the way. Call us for models, prices, and dimensions.

Bailey Kilns are massive, built from heavy tubular and structural steel. Take a closer look and you are immediately impressed by a multitude of outstanding innovative features.

What is common to all Bailey kilns is high energy efficiency.  Our forced draft burner system and efficient circulation patterns insure that you will have very low firing costs, even when compared to expensive high-velocity burner systems.

Bailey Gas Kilns are the by-product of logic and innovative thinking.  
Our unique down-draft design represents years of careful research. Every aspect of fuel efficiency, firing consistency and durability has been incorporated into each kiln. We can say quite confidently that there is no other kiln design that can provide such unparalleled performance.

Uniform Heat Distribution
The Bailey down-draft gives a unique 360 degree heat flow pattern. This flow pattern maximizes the absorption of the heat energy and dramatically reduces firing costs. You get uniform heat top to bottom, front to back, and side to side. Unlike venturi style downdraft kilns with burners coming through the floor, our forced air downdraft kilns offer ingenious internal adjustments to fine tune the path of the heat flow. By adjusting the placement and size of the target brick, we can optimize firing results for traditional pottery forms or sculpture. Just watch those cone packs drop evenly!

Uniform Atmospheres
The 360 degree heat travel also gives excellent control of the atmosphere. Whether you fire oxidation or reduction, atmosphere control is extremely simple. We take the mystery out of firing and make it easy to get perfectly consistent firing results. You can look forward to beautiful glazes in every part of your kiln.

Studio Deluxe front loading kilns range in sizes from 8 to 31 cubic feet of stacking space. The Production front loading kilns range from 28 to 40 cubic feet of stacking space. Both Deluxe and Production kilns utilize the same Double Skin Ventilated Frame construction with stainless chimneys and vary only in their respective insulation profiles.

The Deluxe models have 4½” of insulating firebrick in the walls, floor and arch. This insulating profile is ideal for the small to medium size range of kiln because it offers an economical firing, and a cooling cycle that allows a reasonable turn around time. There would be no benefit to add insulation to this size range for typical stoneware firings.

The Production models have 6” of insulating firebrick in the walls and 6 ¾” in the arch. This insulating profile is ideal for medium to large kilns. The increase in insulation thickness is more in ratio to the thermal mass that is being fired. This is a more practical kiln for firing sculpture where the operator intends to fire longer schedules than the typical stoneware firings.

NOTICE: Because we feel that purchasing a kiln and options is an important decision for your business or school and we can offer much insight and advice to the process, we do not allow our kilns to be ordered on-line. We would prefer that you call our expert staff and be assured the best engineered system for your specific application. There are many options available to customize your purchase.

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